Digital Citizenship
Images for Education
Insert images using the following resources. These are great for when you are creating Powerpoint or Keynote presentations, graphic organizers, Word or Pages documents, etc.
Informal Assessment Tools
Backchannel Tools
Use the following backchannels to create real-time online conversations alongside instruction or activities. Post guiding questions or comments. Create backchannels for different subjects, topics, or questions. Click on the icons below and let the conversations begin!
Padlet tutorial
Download a guide for using TodaysMeet, Padlet and Socrative here. |
Create Video Lessons: |
Learn keyboarding: |
Create interactive video lessons that engage learners. Check out these cool examples.
Project-Based Learning Resources
Websites Full of Tech Resources
What's on your mind?
Consider leaving a comment or making a request by clicking on the feedback button below: |